Saturday, July 16, 2011

Plodding Along in Pamplona

We took random walks in the evenings in Pamplona.  Monday about 10 of us from Huntsman wandered the streets and then stopped for Tapas (a Spanish hors d'oeurve of sorts).  For those of you that haven't had them, they usually have a base of bread or meat (the ones I saw had bread).  Then they are topped with a variety of things like quail eggs, calamari, anchovies, sardines, mussels, prawns, blood pudding, and then there's other stuff I like--veggies, olives, etc.  Okay, so there was only one that I dared to try!  You see dinner isn't served in Spain until about 9:00 p.m. OR LATER.  That's right, that's not a typo.  Spain is on a different time clock than the U.S. or Switzerland for that matter.  A lot of the stores are closed for 2-3 hours in the middle of the afternoon and open later into the evening.  People come out in droves in the early evening to walk the streets, shop, and drink until it's time for dinner. 

Tuesday night, DJ went back out with some Huntsman people to walk the route of the bull run and then go to eat (Tapas again)---this was a scheduled event.  I stayed in that night because I had been out with Jaime twice that day, it was raining on and off, and I'd done the bull stuff twice already.  Jaime, baby Ian, and I went out again on Wednesday during the day, too, and again Thursday night along with DJ and her husband, Brian.  So here's a photo montage of those various walks and just a little bit of what "old town" Pamplona looks like.

City Hall

Typical street with part of The Cathedral of Santa Maria at the end. 

The top of The Cathedral of Santa Maria---the streets are so narrow, going both ways, that I couldn't get a shot of the whole thing at once!


Their streets are narrow like most in Europe and their tall narrow buildings are similar, BUT there are differences.  The Spanish seem to use a lot more color, and it's this humble American's opinion that, in general, they are not kept up as well.

This little lady held a tray which held the menu for this restaurant.

Palacio Del Condestable and Sarasate Museum

Not very thrilling, I know.  I didn't go to all the key landmarks (we shopped at the mall one afternoon!), and I didn't get photos of some of what we did see.  I just wanted to include the rest of the pictures on our blog besides what we saw at the museum and all the bull-mania! 

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