Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Goals - Re-defined

I've had a lot of time to think lately---lots of time. DJ usually goes into work around 7:00 a.m. Sometimes he goes a little sooner, sometimes a little later, and unless we have plans to go somewhere (like IKEA---teeheehee), he gets home around 6:45-7:00 in the evening. It hadn't really dawned on me that he was putting in such long days until this week when I thought that WE (as a couple) just didn't seem to do much or get much accomplished during the week.

I think that's a good sign because it means I'm not sitting around moping, but I've kept myself busy. He's busy, too, co-ordinating the combination of accounting needs and computer programs into new reports which will help his division worldwide. He gets really excited when he can see something so long "on the back burner" coming to fruition. Anyway, I've had lots of time to think, to analyze, to plan, and to dream. I came to Basel with lots of ideas and lots of stuff to fill my time, but since I've had five weeks to get a feel for what life will be like, I've fine-tuned some of those plans and ideas. (DJ hates it when I keep track of how long I've been here.)

I've always heard that a goal is only a dream unless you write it down. I've also heard that when you commit to someone else, it's easier to obtain or reach a goal. So today's the day, my blog's the place where I will record my plans, and my children and any others out there in cyperspace who are dedicated enough to read this, will be those to whom I commit! I know there will be a lot on this page when I get through, and I know I won't make all these goals, all of the time; but working on them, even if it means starting over and over, will be what helps mold me into a better person.

I looked up some thoughts on goals and partricularly like these three so I am recording them here as well (for future reference!):

"Please understand my friend, that where you find yourself tommorrow is a function of the positive decisions and actions that you take today." ---Akin A. Awolaja

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can decide how you're going to live now." ---Joan Baez

"The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach." ---Benjamin Mays

I am also mindful of what President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said at our last Church General Conference: "...we would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most."

And another quote from Elder D. Todd Christopherson quoting Elder Richard L. Evans in Man's Search for Happiness, "Life offers you two precious gifts---one is time, the other is freedom of choice, the freedom to buy with your time what you will."

So here is my effort to proceed at the optimum speed for my circumstances and to buy with my time the things that matter most---my goals for the next 3-5 years (as long as we live here), realizing that they will have to be tweaked as time goes on:


Travel - We want to visit most of Europe by the time we come home (I'm not fine-tuning that one any more at this point). We're off to a good start. Let's just say that we want to take advantage of every opportunity to see as much as we can. However, I must admit, the increased terrorist warnings for Europe right now are a bit worrisome. DJ is supposed to go to London at the end of this month. I was going to join him, and we were going to tack a day or two onto the trip for sight-seeing---having second thoughts. I look at this goal as a way to learn and to appreciate the wonders of God and the hard work of man.

Financial - We plan to have our mortgage paid off by the time we move back (yes, people we are in our late fifties and still haven't paid for all of our home---we have 27 good reasons this is the case :) !); we plan to remain debt free otherwise; and to have money to purchase cars on our return (the travel goal makes this one even more labor intensive---have to stay on top of the budget). After listening to President Eyring's talk, I am reminded that I can do these things if I work hard and do all I can to budget and go without things unnecessary, and then ask for the Lord's help to do the rest. I have a very firm testimony about that.

Mission Prep - We plan on serving at least one mission during our retirement so we will study Preach My Gospel for our Family Home Evenings when we are here at the house by ourselves. I was reminded by President Monson how important this is during conference when he urged mature couples to prepare now for missions to be served later. (I'm not so sure DJ is on board with me on the study part of this one, but I'm trying to be optimistic).


Spiritual -

  • I will read the Book of Mormon at least twice each year---there is great power in that book! (I'm actually on my second time around since June 11th---this is HUGE for me.)
  • By the first of January 2011, hopefully before, I will have developed a daily scripture study program and will stick to it when I am here in Basel (this one is beyond just reading).
  • I will attend the temple at least once a month starting now (October 2010). Just thought of this---wouldn't it be fun to go to each temple in Europe (11 in all, 12 if Rome gets built before we leave; oh, I forgot, Lisbon, too, could be 13).

Physical -
  • I will develop a daily exericse program to include a minimum of walking and some weight lifting and stick to it (still trying to figure out when, where, and how much, but working on it).
  • I will focus on hydration and lots of water drinking (until I buy a big water bottle, I'm keeping a list by the sink of how many glasses I drink---I firmly believe lots of water is key to good health).
  • I will continue to abstain from desserts, candy, and soda pop (unless I have opportunity to TASTE some European delight---I have already tasted three such things, but continue in my goal of January 2008 to basically lay off the "sugary stuff".
  • I will try not to eat too much wonderfully delicious European bread!
  • I will develop strategies for a healthy lifestyle, including getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night---this one is taking a lot of effort. I'm having to re-program the brain!!
  • I will drop at least another 30-40 pounds by the end of this experience, not through crash dieting, but by healthy eating. I will remember that "food is fuel", not something to consume because of appetite .
  • I will remember, "As our body is the instrument of our spirit, it is vital that we care for it as best we can. We should consecrate its powers to serve and further the work of Christ." (Elder D. Todd Christopherson)
Social -
  • I will retain relationships with old friends via email and facebook.
  • I will make an effort to be a good friend to our neighbors, people from DJ's work, and those in our new ward.
  • I will participate in the American Women's group here in Basel on occasion starting in January 2011.
Emotional -
  • I will maintain strong relationships with my mom, my siblings, and especially my children through Skype, email, facebook, and visits to the States.
  • I will write weekly emails of love and encouragement to our posterity starting October 17, 2010 (okay, I've planned on this one before and have fizzled--I will persist)
  • I will try to be there for all the "big things" in the lives of our children and grandchildren (that one gets a little tricky while we're this far away, but we can try).
  • I will develop strong relationships with each of my grandchildren---remembering that "in family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e" (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
  • I will continue to plan and hold Morgan Family Reunions for our posterity that are times of love, learning, growth, and FUN!
Mental -
  • I will learn to speak, read, and write the German language (this one is tough).
  • I will read at least one classic book of literature each month starting in January, 2011 (my Nook has issues---perhaps just my lack of understanding so I'll start this one after my visit to Barnes and Noble in December unless I can find English copies here sooner).
  • I will "take up" the violin again, find a teacher, take lessons, and practice.
  • I will read at least one Newbery Award winner each month so I can encourage my older grandchildren to read good literature and have meaningful discussions with them.
  • I will write----my blog and my personal and family histories.
  • I will study European history while I'm here.
  • I will pursue piano studies if possible (doesn't look good, our elevator isn't big enough for a rental piano, and I don't think I could afford to hire movers to get one up five flights of stairs!) Maybe I can find a good keyboard on sale or get a key to the church!).
Creative (I have long felt that creative works are key to my happiness. This was re-affirmed in September 2008 when President Uchtdorf said, "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before. Everyone can create...Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty.)
  • I will create a beautiful home in this space that my sister has told me looks like a prison!
  • I will try to help maintain and beautify our home in Texas when I am there.
  • I will write childrens' books; I will edit the one I've written and try to find a publisher.
  • I will scrapbook - A series for us as a couple, a series for each of my 8 children (yes, even Becca)---goal is to have our story told in scrapbook form from our first date in 1973 to our move to Bountiful in 1980 by our reunion next summer---better get busy!
  • I think I've given up on the goals to learn to knit well and bake what I will call "Artisan" breads while I am here because they just aren't as important to me as others, but if it happens.....I'd be happy.
Service -
  • Interrupt any of the above to fulfill Church callings or serve someone in need.
  • Do family history research and do the temple work for deceased ancestors.
There! It's on paper. Better get busy. I've gots lots to do!


  1. Mom, mom, mom. I think it's great what you are doing, but remember not to get stressed about it all! Do what you can with the means you have. :) I have some info to help you develop the optimal diet and stuff like that. I would love to help you out and put my knowledge to the test!

  2. Abby, I'm not stressing. I just want to have a plan to use my time wisely----cuz I have lots of it to myself during the day.
