Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Fall Fling in Freiburg

Saturday, September 18th, after doing some projects around the house, we left for an afternoon excursion to Freiburg, Germany. Our main objective of this trip was to see the Freiburg Minster. The picture above is only the top of the 116 meter tower which adorns the church. One famous historian has referred to the tower as the most beautiful tower in Christianity. While many other churchs were still being erected, this tower was completed in 1330. Because of the crowds on Saturday and the surrounding buildings, I couldn't get a really good shot. Let's just say it's pretty impressive, quite stunning in detail, and OLD.

We had a great time in Freiburg, but knowing now how much there is to see and do (and the shopping possibilities), next time we will leave earlier or take multiple Saturdays to take it all in. I tried to catch some shots from the car on the ride there. They don't do the scenery justice, but you can get a little bit of an idea of what it was like---bigger mountain ranges further away with lush green hills next, and then the farms. I was surprised to see so much corn still growing. A few fields were harvested, but so many were still very green. The trees are just barely starting to turn autumn colors, but not enough to see it from a distance. If you look close enough, you can see a church steeple in the village above.

Another village, another church! That's one thing that so touches me---to know that God meant so much to these villagers years ago that they would sacrifice time and means to make sure there was a church in every little hamlet and village.

Freiburg is only 43 miles away, and going across the border is easy enough. We left the car in a parking garage and took off by foot. I love the architecture found in these centurys-old cities and villages. Look at the mosaic work on this turret:

More charm in the design of these row houses:

On a city corner:

Reminds me a bit of Amsterdam with streets running in front instead of canals:

One of the things I loved was the statuary, iron work, and even structures on the bridges in Freiburg. The pigeons were especially fond of this one:

Perhaps a watchtower at some point in time????

Another beautiful church:

On our way to Freiburg Minster, this tower and gate, Martinstor (Martin Gate) is the oldest surviving gate of the first fortification in Freiburg. It was built in the 13th century:

Alas, as you can tell, things have been Americanized a bit (a rather different type of arch---not the golden kind!):

Even the sidewalks were works of art:

Even the space between the tram tracks are bricked:

One of the funnest things we saw all day! We think it was an engaged couple getting pre-wedding photos because there didn't seem to be a crowd of family or well-wishers watching the process. They stopped at the woodworker's booth in the open-air market, and the photographer had her take one of the hand-carved rolling pins and act like she was going to hit the groom (to be) over the head:

One of several flower markets:

Sidewalk cafe on the platz by the cathedral:

Lunch was served to more than just people:

A side view of only part of the Freiburg Minster. It was so massive I couldn't get back far enough to get the whole thing in from this side. By this time, we knew we would be back to tour the inside which is full of artistic treasures. Hopefully better pictures next time!


  1. Oh I love it!
    Europe is so beautiful!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing, mom! Really love it!

  3. Have you tried Spaghetti Eis? It's an ice cream sundae with strawberry topping. The ice cream is put through a ricer, so it looks like noodles. The topping looks like sauce, and they even sprinkle a little coconut or white chocolate to look like parmesan cheese! It's a seasonal item, and probably won't be available after October.
