Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Christmas Vacation - Pinata Fun - Entry #7

Back at the house, the men made sure the pinata was rigged in the backyard, and another version of fun began.
We started from the youngest that was capable of hitting the pinata (William) and went up the line in birth order to Carmen, who is the oldest of the cousins.  The older kids had to wear a blindfold.  The younger ones did not.  The rest of the fun was up to Grampy who raised and lowered the pinata and Uncle Iz who would pull it from side to side.  We used a detachable mop handle because it was lighter weight, and it worked!  We went through the line once and into the second rotation before they got the candy to spill!  Oh, and it was dark as you can tell.

Will, 17 months, starts off the fun (with a little help from Mom).

And it gives it all he's got!

Cade, age 3, is up next.
Colee (Nicole), also age 3, is totally up for this!
Hunter, age 4, gets ready and...

WHACKS the pinata.

Anna, age 5, wants to do her part.
Despite the fact that she is the first to be blindfolded with a dish towel, Becca, age 7,  puts some muscle into her turn.
AJ, age 8, now sporting the new and improved blindfold, clobbers the pinata.
Not wanting to be outdone by a boy, Morgan, age 9,  gives it her best shot.
And bringing up the rear, with real gusto, is Carmen, age 10.

Will starts ROUND 2...
BOOM!  Cade strikes again.

Colee does all she can to help.

And a another good hit was all it took....

The kids go for the loot!

Oh, happy day!

AJ says, "To heck with the sack, I'll just scoop it up in this cone!"

Some random shots during the fun:

DJ and Matt aren't quite into it yet.
Look at that door left wide open in December---only in Texas!  If you look close you can see Dave sitting on a chair inside watching the action----smart man.  Uncle Iz starting ready to jerk the rope back and forth.

With Grampy on the ropes, no one knew if the pinata would be up or down.

It was so fun to watch the kids' faces in anticipation of their own turn.
Sometimes the pinata could really get swinging.

Some creative uses for parts of the pinata:

Did somebody say "Dunce?"

One to hold his candy, two for a new hat!

And the winner is.......

We aren't going to post this one, but let's just say that Sarah came up with a very Madonna-ish look with the pinata cones.  Nuff said.

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